Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beltane Ho

The freak is off to Free Spirit Alliance "Sacred Sexuality Beltane". Aw to heck with it... I'm going to camp... See ya'

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alphabet Soup

Come out to Alphabet Soup tonight. DTox - 31 2nd Ave between 1st and 2nd St. 7:00 PM and on. Last one rocked!

Black Phoenix NDD bootcamp.

The evolution of Philadelphia's Black Phoenix continued last weekend at Northern Delaware Ds' NDD Bootcamp II on April 24-25th. The Black Phoenix opened it's doors at the extremely reduced rate of 1$ for the day (plus a dish for the potluck) and an additional 5$ for a night of play. For another additional 5$ people were allowed to stay over. You can't even go see a movie for that price!

The day was wildly successful; with over 300 attendees. Master Steve and slave tami, the founders of NDDs, created an event filled with awesome educational opportunities, great food, and a chance to mingle with friends and make lots of new ones, in an amazing BDSM playground. With 25 classes on many topics, there were plenty of learning to be done. The presenters included Sarah Sloane, Jay Wiseman, Pyro-Sadist, Slutress Dottie, Zebrianna, and many others. Vendors and professional photography by PhotoPlay Photography were available. The food was incredible because it consisted of potluck donations from the 300 attendees (all of whom can apparently cook). It was quite obvious that Master Steve and tami and their platoon of volunteers knocked themselves out to organize a community event that will be remembered and talked about for some time to come.

The beauty of Black Phoenix is that with the second half of the space now open and the full 20,000 square feet in use, that many people can be there and it still does not feel crowded. Black Phoenix still has some work to do but it is clear that the team has not let up in their efforts towards reaching the full potential of the Black Phoenix. Definitely (still) worth a ride down from NYC and getting better all the time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You might be a Pervert if...

If you've ever walked through a kitchen supply store testing the spatulas and spoons by slapping them against your thigh or forearm...
You might be a pervert.

If you start typing in the word “Fact” into Google and “face slapping safety” comes up as a recommendation…
You might be a pervert.

If the first thing you do when you walk into a hotel room is look for “points of attachment”…
You might be a pervert.

If you have ever grown your hair long specifically so it’s easier to pull…
You might be a pervert.

If you’ve ever realized about 30 minutes into a subway ride that Tristan Taormino’s “Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women” might not be the best book to be reading openly on the train….
You might be a pervert.

If you have ever pulled up to a gas station and realized that you cannot get out to pump your gas because of what you were wearing (or not wearing)...
You might be a pervert.

If knives make you wet or hard…
You might be a pervert.

If your primary assessment of the ginger you are buying in the supermarket is for maximum size and best shape for anal insertion…
You might be a pervert.

If you have ever bought eight or more hitch rings and a bunch of chain at Home Depot to enhance your bedroom furniture.
You might be a pervert.

If you have to be cautious when you hand out your business card because you never know what other business cards are in your coat pocket that you picked up over the weekend.
You might be a pervert.

If you have more than two drawers and half a closet devoted to toys and implements…
You might be a pervert.

If you are over 40 and still go to "summer camp"...
You might be a pervert.

If you have ever used "Louisiana Red Hot" in bed.
You just might be a pervert.

If you have ever safeworded during an excruciatingly boring conference call...
You might be a pervert.

If looking at a Qtip makes you think "Fire in the Hole!" and grin...
You might be a pervert.

If hanging someone by the neck without killing them is your idea of an amusing engineering project...
You might be a pervert.

If your reaction to finding some pretty ribbon at Michael's is to go looking for your medical stapler...
You might be a pervert.

If you have ever stood in the Pathmark checkout line at 2 am with condoms, ginger, a bag of clothespins, a package of wooden shish kabob skewers, a threepack of fleets enema's, Ultra strength Bengay, clothesline, some Santeria candles, dental floss and a cucumber smiling suggestively at the clerk...
You might be a pervert.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Saturday 4/4/09 I went to my first Switch party. I have been meaning to hit one of these for quite a while and I am so glad I finally did. This party was their one year anniversary party and was held in different venue than usual; a beautiful space that unfortunately will cease to exist at the end of this month.

Switch is a party that caters to "genderqueer, women, trans, gender fluid, multi-gender, gender non-conforming, gender variant, etc." There was a very friendly and hot bunch of people in attendance. Lots and lots of play going on; including a very happy me getting suspended. In one of the rooms there was a very intense needle scene going on. One of the things that really impressed me is how absolute, respectful, almost reverent silence was maintained as people observed. Nobody had to tell anyone... People just seemed to know how to behave. There was a palpable feeling of everyone being deeply aware of the privilege of bearing witness to the scene and the beautiful interaction between the participants. Not your usual play space feeling. Kudos to the "Switch" team for creating a safe and welcoming environment for this kind of BDSM experience.

Next Switch is back at Paddles:


(now we're gettin' started earlier!)

New York city's monthly genderqueer/women/trans bdsm party
in a room of our own behind closed doors at PADDLES

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BiRequest Meeting: " Kinky and Bi"

I'm facilitating BiRequest's next discussion group meeting ...

Date: Thursday, April 2nd
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: BLGT Community Center
West 13 St. between 7th & 8th Avenues
Check at the front desk on arrival to confirm room location
Facilitator: Monika & Tom
Topic: Kinky and Bi, or Let's Talk About Kink, Baby!


Are Bi people kinkier than the rest of the world, or is that just one of "those" stereotypes? If you only have same-sex partners when you're in a threesome (mmmmmm!) are you really Bi? What is it like navigating kink circles as a bisexual, open or otherwise?

If you're a practicing bi kinkster, did you realize you were kinky first or Bi first? What does kink mean to you? What would you like kink to mean to you? :-)

Come explore these ideas (and anything else that tickles your fancy), or just "take it all in" at BiRequest's safe, non-judgmental forum. It's always fun to talk about kink!

If you can't make it to the meeting, feel free to join us afterward "eight-fifteenish" for dinner at:

Empire Szechuan
173 7th Avenue South (at Perry Street, one block south of 11th Street.)