I'm facilitating BiRequest's next discussion group meeting ...
Date: Thursday, April 2nd
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: BLGT Community Center
West 13 St. between 7th & 8th Avenues
Check at the front desk on arrival to confirm room location
Facilitator: Monika & Tom
Topic: Kinky and Bi, or Let's Talk About Kink, Baby!
Are Bi people kinkier than the rest of the world, or is that just one of "those" stereotypes? If you only have same-sex partners when you're in a threesome (mmmmmm!) are you really Bi? What is it like navigating kink circles as a bisexual, open or otherwise?
If you're a practicing bi kinkster, did you realize you were kinky first or Bi first? What does kink mean to you? What would you like kink to mean to you? :-)
Come explore these ideas (and anything else that tickles your fancy), or just "take it all in" at BiRequest's safe, non-judgmental forum. It's always fun to talk about kink!
If you can't make it to the meeting, feel free to join us afterward "eight-fifteenish" for dinner at:
Empire Szechuan
173 7th Avenue South (at Perry Street, one block south of 11th Street.)
The Rope Touch
5 weeks ago
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