So far my favorite NYC kink party has got to be "Pleasure Salon" held on the 1st Wednesday of every month at the Happy Ending Lounge, on 302 Broome Street, in Manhattan. The description for Pleasure Salon is:
Pleasure Salon
Ground Floor, Happy Ending Lounge
1st Wednesday of every month
The Pleasure Salon has been created to build community, allowing sex-positive activists to cross-pollinate. Our gatherings bring together members of the BDSM, swinger, alternative gender, LGBT, sex-activist, nudist, sex-magic, polyamory, Pagan, radical faerie, tantra, dark odyssey, sex-blogger, porn, pervert and sex-worker communities, and others whose passion is sex. (Let us know if we missed any one of you!) Through building networks in the sex-positive community, The Pleasure Salon hopes to help create a sex-positive world. It is a place for the open exchange of ideas and sensual expression.
Write to: to request an evite.
I have only gone twice and each time I have had an amazing time. The crowd is every bit as diverse as it's billed to be. I met friends there from many of the communities I circulate in. The Dark Odyssey, TES, BiRequest, LSM, and the PolyNYC communities were all represented, just to name a few. The space is inviting and comfortable, drinks are great. OK, the fru-fru ones I was in the mood for last night were a bit pricey but oh-so-delicious. There is lots of hugging, necking, fondling, tickling and the occasional spanking or punch-fest going on, all in consentual good fun. Last night, I had a philosophical conversation about the merits of no-toys required BDSM, learned clever crazy-glue tricks and tips from a known expert in all things devious, had my hair played with by a gorgeous red head, discussed NYC burlesque with a sometime wookie lumberjack, and, well, my nipples will not be forgetting a very pretty (and bouncy) kitty girl for a long while. I lost count of the luscious kisses I collected. So definitely, kinksters and kinksterretes, do not miss the next one! You won't regret it.
The Rope Touch
5 weeks ago
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